Brown University
Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and the Ancient World
75 Waterman Street
Providence, RI 02912
andrew_scherer@brown.edu | (401) 863-6411
Andrew Scherer is an anthropological archaeologist and biological anthropologist with a geographic focus in Mesoamerica (Maya). He co-directs an interdisciplinary archaeological research project that is exploring Classic Maya polities along the Usumacinta River in Mexico. Scherer has conducted bioarchaeological research at Maya sites throughout Mexico and Guatemala, including Lacanja Tzeltal (San Tz’i’), Piedras Negras, Yaxha, and El Zotz. Scherer’s research interests include mortuary archaeology, bioarchaeology, landscape archaeology, ritual practice, warfare and violence, political practice, and diet and subsistence.
Selected Publications
Dillon, James T., Lash, Sam, Zhao, Jiaju, Smith, Kevin P., van Dommelen, Peter, Scherer, Andrew K., Huang, Yongsong. Bacterial tetraether lipids in ancient bones record past climate conditions at the time of disposal. Journal of Archaeological Science, vol.96, 2028, pp.45-56.
Andrew Scherer. El Ser, la Identidad, y la Cabeza entre los Mayas del Clásico de los Reinos del Río Usumacinta. Modificaciones cefálicas culturales en Mesoamérica. Una perspectiva continental, edited by V. Tiesler and C. Serrano, Mexico City, Universidad Autónoma de Mexico, 2018, pp.531-558.
Andrew Scherer. Head Shaping and Tooth Modification among the Classic Maya of the Usumacinta River Kingdoms. In Social Skins of the Head: Body Beliefs and Ritual in Ancient Mesoamerica and the Andes, edited by V.Tiesler and M.C. Lozada, Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press, 2018, pp.59-80.
Andrew K. Scherer. Osteology of the El Diablo Complex: Burial 9 and Associated Caches. Temple of the Night Sun: A royal Tomb at El Diablo, Guatemala, edited by S. Houston, S. Newman, E. Román, and T. Garrison, with contributions by B, Carter, A. de Carteret, A. Scherer, and K.Taube, San Francisco, Precolumbia Mesoweb Press, 2018, pp.180-207.
Smoke, Flames, and the Human Body in Mesoamerican Ritual Practice. Edited by Vera Tiesaler and Andrew K. Scherer, Dumbarton Oaks, 2018.