Boston University
Department of Anthropology
675 Commonwealth Ave, Suite 347
Boston, MA 02215
aberlin@bu.edu | (617)358-1651
Andrea Berlin has been excavating in the eastern Mediterranean since 1973, working on projects from Troy, in Turkey to Coptos, in Southern Egypt. She focuses on the eras of the later ancient empires: the Achaemenid Persians, Alexander the Great and his Hellenistic successors, and the Romans. She is especially interested in understanding the realities of daily life under these regimes, and in exploring the intersection of politics and cultural change in antiquity. Currently she is working on the publication of the Persian period levels of an administrative compound at Tel Kedesh in northern Israel, whose excavations she has co-directed since 1997.
Selected Publications
The Middle Maccabees. Archaeology, History, and the Rise of the Hasmonean Kingdom. Co-edited with Paul J. Kosmin. SBL Archaeology and Biblical Studies. SBL Press: Atlanta. (2021)
Spear-Won Land: Sardis, from the King’s Peace to the Peace of Apamea. Co-edited wit Paul Kosmin. University of Wisconsin Press: Madison. (2019)
Baruch Brandl, Xiaomi Ouyang, and Sharon C. Herbert, Andrea M. Berlin (2019). A Persian Period Bulla from Tel Qedesh, Israel and its Implications for Relations between Tyre and Nippur. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 382.